05 – Nature of the Gods


  1. The Nature of the Gods
    1. Anthropomorphism – physical bodies, must eat (ambrosia – deathless, nectar – wine), emotions, pains. Aphrodite is wounded and bleeds ichor (serous fluid gold-ish).
    2. Olympian/Chthonian – Olympians (12), Chthonians associated with the earth. Reflect the invasions that occurred around 2000, Indo Europeans invaded and brought gods with them (Olympians). Indigenous gods that survived mixing (chthonians).
    3. Hierarchy –  top of the heap is the Olympians, terrifying beings and mosters, the titans without anthromorphic form, nature spirits (nymphs – trees, waters, mountains), sons and daughters of the gods (demigods), the heroes (can be worshiped by community),
    4. Trend to monotheism
    5. Greek Humanism
      1. Protagoras: “Man is the measure of all things”
      2. Sophocles, Antigone: “Wonders are many…”
      3. Homer, Odyssey: Achilles in the Underworld
      4. Reverence of gods yet inevitable fate
      5. Idealistic optimism v. realistic pessimism.
      6. Myth , Religion and Philosophy
        1. Beware of generalizations about religious attitudes
        2. no bible
        3. No dogma
        4. No sin
        5. Syncretism
        6. Yet
          1. Homer venerated – almost as though he had written a bible. Elementary education of Greek boys into modern education.
          2. Religious persons
          3. Recognized impiety –  could offend the gods
          4. Acceptance of “new” religions not always easy

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